About me...

My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
--Psalm 45:1

So yeah--aspiring writer, in love with the Word, also words wherever they may be found. This results in a rather alarming obsession with fiction, which will spill over into this blog.

ah well. Such things can't be helped. :)

Falon out.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring Cleaning

In the interest of "spring cleaning" I've changed the design. Do you guys like it? (Can you read it...I'm a bit worried by the font but I couldn't find anything else I really liked)

Oh, and here's a poem I wrote for spring: (aka the poetry contest)

Spring Forest Haiku

Green, bright green of life;
Sticks and twigs litter the ground,
New pines poking through.

There, a fallen tree,
Laying, resting, inviting me;
Boat, bench, sofa, bed.

Here, a sturdy larch;
There, ponderosa stands tall;
Look, balsam fir sways.

Life, all around me,
Growing, spreading, flourishing,
And that's just the trees!

You like?


  1. The purple part is a bit hard to read, but the white is fine! ;D Lucida Calligraphy? 'Tis an awesome font. ^_^

    Nice poem! It paints the picture of being surrounded by a forest in spring really well, good job!

    1. Yeah...I'll have to change it. 'Tis a pity, for I love this color. Ah well.

      Thank you so much! :)

  2. To bad. T_T Well, it looks awesome now! =D

    Sure! =)

    What kind of genres do you like to write in, along with with poetry?

  3. Thanks!

    Um...I like writing fantasy novels (note: I didn't say finishing said novels), and I think that's about it. I'm a very single genre person. I could probably count on one hand the number of contemporary stories I've written.
    Then, of course, there's Doctor Who fanfiction. So I suppose that's the...science fiction fanfiction genre. There are some people out there who say it's the same genre, so...basically sci-fi/fantasy. :)

    And you? What kind of stuff do you like to write?

  4. Yeah, I write fantasy too. ;D And I've only ever finished one novel. Can't say I've really written in other genres, though I want to try them out someday.

    Doctor Who. xD *thinks of Rachel's somewhat confusing and convoluted explanation of it* But it did sound kind of cool. =P

    Yeah, sci-fi and fantasy are often grouped together. ;)

  5. Well, congrats on finishing at least one! :)

    'Tis very cool. Takes a lot of your time/thought, but it's still very cool. (is thinking DW is somewhat confusing and convulted, ergo said explanation was bound to be...)

    Heh, yep. Have you read the Dragons of Starlight/Tales of Starlight by Bryan Davis? That's about the best example I can think of where sci-fi and fantasy are definitely entertwined. Good reads, too...

  6. Thanks! =)

    Yeah! One of the main reasons I avoid TV and movies... gobbles up so much time. =P But they have their place. ^_^ (Aha, a confusing and convoluted show = a confusing and convoluted explanation. ;D)

    I'm afraid I have not! But they are on my list of books to read, along with a few dozen others... =P
    Hmm... and even in DioM, OoF, and CotB, we have a mixture... I'm thinking of Apollo, Larry, Ashley's whole lab in /The Candlestone/ and what it accomplished, and a bunch of other such things... It's kind of interesting, really... The whole series is a mixture of fantasy/sci-fi/historical fiction/etc. =D

  7. Yeah, they are a brilliant composite of several genres. Good inspiration there...
