About me...

My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
--Psalm 45:1

So yeah--aspiring writer, in love with the Word, also words wherever they may be found. This results in a rather alarming obsession with fiction, which will spill over into this blog.

ah well. Such things can't be helped. :)

Falon out.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dear, dear neglected page...

So it's either good or bad that I haven't posted in a while. Good because it means I'm busy with more "important things". Yes, observant people, I put that in quotes because it relates to the bad part a bit more. The "more" important things, in this case, would be things like (writing) stories, (reading) fanfics, monkeying around on Pandora, catching up on TV shows, etc.
Instead of the really more important things like spending time with my family, getting into the Book, praying, school, exercising *cough I'm really out of shape and the sun is calling cough*, and other things that should take my time away from posting on here. So I suppose my excuse for not posting is that I feel guilty about not having a valid excuse to not post.
Yes, I realize it's a bad excuse. Ergo, the post. :)

Random update: I have discovered Pandora. My favorite part is when it goes from a soft Chris Tomlin song to hard Thousand Foot Krutch song. I loves it. =D
Random update 2: Be sending thoughts of encouragement and prayer my way, if you could. I have decided (about *counts* 6 lines above) to spend more time outside this spring/summer. Walking, gardening, digging trenches because our dirt here is mostly clay and does not absorb the water and therefore we have to guide the water away from the house because otherwise it floods our basement, and building a treehouse. Or, you know...a board nailed to a tree upon which we can sit. A treechair. Sounds good.

To the Author of Spring and Giver of Colors, Sounds, and Textures, I salute You.


  1. *has really been meaning to comment on posts more* <_< *cough* sorry. >_>

    I'll take you exercising (running and biking etc.) with me this summer. ;)

    Haha, Pandora during school time ftw! xD

  2. Eh, 'tis okay. Apparently I have my email set up to notify me, and the box thing that says "downloading message 1 of 1" was in the way of the subject line, so all I could see was FireKnight, and I went "What? Did she change her email?" =D Good times.
    Cool sauce. I should really be practicing for our trip...I went for a short walk this morning, and I took the kids for a walk last night. I feel proud of myself.

    Totally. I'm listening to it right now, actually.

  3. Oh yeeahhh.... the email that I should have sent 1.7 weeks ago... <_< >_> xD I'm such a terrible best friend.
    Good, good. ^_^ If you're free this weekend we could ride the back road that goes from your house to mine... It's hilly and would be great for conditioning for the trip. Plus it's a real pretty area. x)
    Me too. ;D
