About me...

My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
--Psalm 45:1

So yeah--aspiring writer, in love with the Word, also words wherever they may be found. This results in a rather alarming obsession with fiction, which will spill over into this blog.

ah well. Such things can't be helped. :)

Falon out.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I'm back....

So. I notice with a sudden flash of observational skills that the most recent post I blogged was on the final day of the month of August. It is with an equally sudden flash of brilliance that I realize this was--okay, so the flash of brilliance will have to wait, since I'm trying to do the math here. It is taking me a few seconds... (so it was September, then October, then November, and today's the first--)

Oh! Happy First Day of December! (yes, I know this is going up 9:30 Mountain time so it probably won't reach you in time. Consider yourself wished a Happy Belated First Day of December. So Happy Second Day of December.)

(so that was...) My last blog post was 3 months ago. Feel free to applaud my mathematical genius. I do not mind.

Ah. I still type in Nano-speak. (no contractions. Use adjectives. Etc.) For those of you who don't know, NaNo is short for National Novel Writing Month, which is the month of November, wherein people decide they have been lazy for far too long, kidding themselves with delusions of writer status, and in a leap of chocolate-fueled faith they attack their poor keyboard and pound out a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

I also participated in the joyous madness of this year's NaNo. (I'm not counting last year's since I cheated and the ending was absolutely sudden and horrible) And I won! I wrote a 50,000 word novel in 30 days! Actually, I wrote a 54,427 word novel in 24 days.

So I now find myself able to ease back into the world of the living. Or, in my case, I rewarded myself with catching up on all the TV episodes I missed during those 24 days. And today I remembered that I have a blog. (okay, if I'm honest I remembered a while ago, but I was too lazy to--I'm not sure what, actually. Apparently I'm also too lazy to formulate a reason for my laziness, or even explain what I was lazy about. I was just lazy.) I blame exhaustion caused by chocolate withdrawal. See, I rewarded myself every 1,000 words with candy, mostly Junior Mints, but that's 50 pieces of candy and my precious store of Cheap Because of the Holiday Wherein It is Given Away Chocolate. I am now out of the CBHWIGAC. I'm calling it cheepie chocolate. (because when I looked at the letters the first thing I thought of was Chewbacca but I'm not calling my dear word count rewards Chewbacca) Without my cheepie chocolate every so often I've had to resort to other methods.

Did you know that there are 2 cups of milk needed to make one box of pudding? And did you know that we receive fresh cow's milk, four gallons, every week? And that we have to come up with ways to use this milk? And that my mother thus encourages chocolate pudding consumption? You do now.

Anyway, this is getting a bit long. I suppose I'll talk a bit about my novel, this blasted keyboard that I still haven't gotten used to--or maybe it's just because I always seem to be writing when I can barely keep my eyes open and my fingers become rather sluggish--, my excitement for the upcoming Hobbit film--

13 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--and a book I reread recently that I want to review because I want to review books on my blog. And a movie I recently watched that I want to review for the same reason. And I will probably complain about Merlin ending.


And I'll probably make promises to myself that I'm going to write a humorous book next year that utilizes extensive use of the Traveling Shovel of Death. And broken and utterly smashed fourth walls. Until then, dear readers, farewell, and may the Force be with you.

(one day. One day I shall invent a new benediction. I shall be creative and not plagiarizing, even though I'm rather sure that one was public domain...)

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