About me...

My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
--Psalm 45:1

So yeah--aspiring writer, in love with the Word, also words wherever they may be found. This results in a rather alarming obsession with fiction, which will spill over into this blog.

ah well. Such things can't be helped. :)

Falon out.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's over and they're gone! *wails and sobs*

Merlin has ended, and I cried during that episode more than I have during probably all the movies I ever cried at. I don't cry too much, but I cried during and after, and---

I've tried to think of what to say, how to sum up my emotions and I just can't. There's just too much and all of it is spoiler-y for you people, and--well, I guess I'm just going to have to figure it out eventually. But for now, I just want to put this out there.

Thank you, our dear actors, for bringing to life these fantastic characters. Your writers may have written them into predictable plots that made us crazy, but it was always you that brought us back, eagerly waiting for more. You first pulled the legends down to earth, made them grow around our hearts, and then you brought up the legends to greater heights than before because it was real.

Your smiles were real. The characters became real and we loved them. We still love them, and even though it is fiction and we know this, we mourn their passing because they were as friends.

Thank you for bringing us on this journey with you and letting us live with you.

A/N: I'm going to have to figure out why this has made me so sad and angry and emotional. It's fiction. Why did I cry? Why do people cry during a movie/tv episode?

But at the same time I push those thoughts aside, because I know that what I'm feeling is real. Yes, it's fiction, but--perhaps the thing is that it's not fictional. As I said, the characters were real and we loved them and they're gone.

Merlin has ended.

Just not in our hearts.

(hopefully more to come soon)

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