While aimlessly wandering around YouTube, I recently stumbled across an interview with Bryan Davis. It was a relatively old interview, put up in 2009, but still good. After one question which it appears I have forgotten, Mr. Davis stated, "All my stories have a theme of redemption." Which is VERY true. Anyone who has read his books knows that, and I blurted out, "Translation: he kills off our favorite characters." (whether or not that's exactly true is open for interpretation)
However, that got me thinking about another great Author, one who effectively 'killed off' the main character.
I'm talking about the Bible and Jesus. Do we ever think about how it actually is one story, and one in which the main character dies? And yet! And yet it's so much more than that, because this main character came back to life!
I don't know where I'm going with this, but it is food for thought, I suppose. The Bible is THE most AWESOME book ever, and God is THE best Author EVER.
So here's a book recommendation: A book that has it all, the book that is so cool it has a Greek word for its title, one that simply means The Book.